
What are your Hours of Operation:

M-F 8:00am – 6:00 pm

What is your phone number?

Our phone # is 717-308-1844 give us a call!

Where are you Located?

We are located in York County (south central PA). Within a 1 hour drive of Gettysburg, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Hershey & Baltimore.

What is your address?

4785 Carlisle Rd Dover PA 17315

Do we offer financing?

We do not offer financing at this time.

What types of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, cash & checks. With advanced notification we can also accept Paypal & Bitcoin.

Can I drop off my vehicle after hours?

Yes! We have an after hours key drop located next to our front door.

I had a great experience! Where can I leave a review?

We love to hear that! Follow this link to leave a review


How big is the shop?

Our shop is about 10,000 sq ft.! We have a total of 12 bays.

Do you only work on Jeeps?

No Way! We are passionate about all 4×4 vehicles.

Do you sell parts online?

We do sell lots of parts, although we do not have an e-commerce store. When purchasing parts from us you can trust that we provide personalized insight for your purchase.

Do we install parts not purchased from us?

Yes we do, When shopping for parts please consider shopping with us too! In many cases we can provide insight to your purchase regarding quality, compatibility, and availability. We value you and are here to help!

Is our work warrantied?

We strive to ensure that every job is completed to the highest standard. In the unlikely event that we miss the mark, we are committed to quickly finding a solution. Relationships are highly valued and we want to make sure every client feels justly treated.


Do we offer undercoating?

Absolutely! We spray Fluid Film, check out this page for more info×4-services/rustproofing-undercoating/!

What Aftermarket / Offroad Parts do you sell?

We sell most major brands in the offroad industry and are proud to represent companies that manufacture high quality products. If you have a specific part in mind, reach out to [email protected].

Do we perform alignments?

Yes we do! All of our alignments are performed in house utilizing our Hunter Hawkeye Elite Alignment machine in combination with the Hunter 15K Scissor Alignment Rack. These two tools allow us to align anything! We really enjoy vehicles with lifted, lowered or custom suspensions!

Do we have a retail parts store?

No we don’t. We are a service oriented shop, and therefore do not keep many parts in stock.